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Dr. Laurie Mintz 9-29-17
Monday, February 10th, 2020 in the Tarzana area of Los Angeles

Dinner Event with Eve Rodsky


A Game-Changing Solution for When You Have Too Much to Do (and More Life to Live)
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Eve Rodsky is working to change society one marriage at a time by coming up with a new 21st century solution to an age-old problem: women shouldering the brunt of childrearing and domestic life responsibilities regardless of whether they work outside the home.


In her book, FAIR PLAY, she uses her Harvard Law School training and years of organizational management experience to create a life-management system to help couples both rebalance all of the work it takes to run a home and reimagine their relationship, time and purpose. 



Eve Rodsky received her B.A. in economics and anthropology from the University of Michigan, and her J.D. from Harvard Law School. After working in foundation management at J.P. Morgan, she founded the Philanthropy Advisory Group to advise high-net worth families and charitable foundations on best practices for harmonious operations, governance and disposition of funds. In her work with hundreds of families over a decade, she realized that her expertise in family mediation, strategy, and organizational management could be applied to a problem closer to home – a system for couples seeking balance, efficiency, and peace in their home. Rodsky was born and raised by a single mom in New York City and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their three children.   

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February 10, 2020

6:00 - 6:30 pm

Arrival and Book Signing


6:30 - 7:30 pm  

Delicious Organic Dinner


7:30 - 8:30 pm    

Interactive Presentation and Q & A with Eve Rodsky

"A hands-on, real talk guide for navigating the hot-button issues that so many families struggle with."--Reese Witherspoon


$100 per person.  Space limited to 40 women.  Reserve now! 

Email to make your reservation!

This event is being held at a private home in the Tarzana area of Los Angeles.


Make your reservation before February 3rd!


(Please consider that this event will likely sell out quickly, so make your reservation early!)

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